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Let’s Talk About the BELA Bill

Examining Education Reform in South Africa

Project Date

27 September 2023

Project Location

Johannesburg, South Africa


Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

Speakers: Dr. Elvis Fokala and Ms Yolokazi Mfuto

The Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill, introduced in 2022, aims to modernise South Africa's education system. While the bill seeks to address critical issues such as access, quality, and equity, it has also generated significant debate and controversy. This Policy Conversation explored the key provisions of the BELA Bill and analysed its potential impact on the South African education landscape.

The BELA Bill proposes several significant changes to the South African education system, including:

  • Expanding Compulsory Education: The bill aims to make Grade R compulsory, extending the period of formal schooling for young children. This expansion requires significant investment in infrastructure, teacher training, and curriculum development.

  • Parental Responsibility: The bill introduces stricter penalties for parents who fail to ensure their children attend school regularly. This provision aims to increase school attendance and reduce dropout rates.

  • Regulating Home Education: The bill seeks to regulate home education more closely, requiring parents to meet specific criteria and submit to oversight. This aims to ensure that home-schooled children receive a quality education that aligns with national standards.

  • Strengthening Language Policy: The bill aims to strengthen language policies in schools, ensuring that the language needs of the broader community are considered. This provision seeks to promote multilingualism and cultural diversity in education.

  • Addressing School Conduct: The bill addresses issues related to alcohol consumption, religious observance, and corporal punishment on school premises. It aims to create a safe and conducive learning environment.

The BELA Bill has been met with both support and opposition from various stakeholders:


  • Government: The Department of Basic Education and the ruling African National Congress (ANC) have been strong proponents of the BELA Bill.

  • Teacher Unions: Teacher unions such as the South African Democratic Teachers' Union (SADTU) have supported the bill, particularly the provisions related to teacher professionalism and working conditions.


  • Opposition Parties: Opposition parties like the Democratic Alliance (DA) and the Freedom Front Plus have expressed concerns about the bill, arguing that it may infringe on parental rights and impose unnecessary burdens on schools.

  • Home-Schooling Organisations: Organisations representing home-schooling families have raised concerns about the proposed regulations, arguing that they may limit parental choice and autonomy.

  • Civil Society Organizations: Some civil society organisations have expressed concerns about the potential impact of the bill on marginalised communities and learners with special needs.

The implementation of the BELA Bill raises several important considerations:

  • Resource Implications: Expanding compulsory education to Grade R will require significant financial investment to build new classrooms, hire additional teachers, and provide necessary resources.

  • Teacher Capacity: Ensuring that teachers are adequately trained and supported is crucial for the successful implementation of the new curriculum and pedagogical approaches.

  • Parental Choice and Home Education: The proposed regulations on home education may limit parental choice and autonomy. It is essential to balance the need for oversight with the right of parents to choose alternative education options.

  • Language Policy: The language policy provisions should be carefully considered to ensure that they promote multilingualism and cultural diversity while maintaining high standards of education.

The Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) Bill has the potential to significantly reshape South Africa's education landscape. While its aims of expanding access, improving quality, and promoting equity are commendable, careful consideration must be given to the practical implications of its provisions. Adequate resource allocation, teacher training, and support for both traditional and alternative education models are crucial for the successful implementation of the BELA Bill. By addressing these challenges and fostering constructive dialogue among all stakeholders, South Africa can harness the potential of this legislation to create a more equitable and effective education system for all.

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